As somebody who works with sellers as well, I know that homeowners like to work with buyers the feel they know and like. That’s why I take the time to investigate the sellers online and key in on details inside their home to uncover if you share any passions, interests or hobbies with them. We then craft a love letter or video that I’ll put front and center in your offer. I have personally witnessed sellers of mine drop the price 5 figures for a buyer with a love letter that resonated with them.
Recent Successes
All Bought For Under Asking
Below are a few homes my buyers purchased for under listing price due to high impact cover letters.

1444 Howard – List Price $800K
Bought For $20K Under Asking

2701 Orleans – List Price $575K
Bought For $25K Under Asking

1970 E Hemmi – List Price $998
Bought For $38K Under Asking

2222 Williams – List Price $676K
Bought For $10K Under Asking